A Big Thank You!
A year following the donation of my innovation, reviewing everything, I feel obliged to thank every fellow-combatant fighting for a better future. In the process there were some people as Mr.Rickoff who saw that my innovation practically works and tried repeatedly and with great enthusiasm to explain it unfortunately unsuccessfully. On the other hand, there were also some people with sterile minds and extreme points of view who by no means can represent the Over-Unity quest. These people tried to blacken my work and present me as irrational by making strange and ridiculous questions such as: “If it works, then why didn’t he finish it before donating it?” Like I was obligated to deliver them something complete. “Why didn’t he use a “car generator” in order to output electricity?” They also claimed to have built replicas which did not work, trying blatantly to prevent anyone from dealing with it. Well, Gentlemen as I have previously written I wasn’t able to complete my work...