this would run if coupled with generator say 3kw, bring the speed to 400rpm then install the required sheave to reach the generator required speed of 1800rpm, no need for variable speed motor, to vary the speed adjust the meshing of drive motor when it reaches its speed-- SIMPLE, SHARE TO EVERY BODY
uying99 3 weeks ago
Saw that vid, it proves nada. Simply because to be credible you need at least 4 runs, two same car on same track, two with switched over cars. Those things don't all perform alike. This doesn't mean I'm saying that the result isn't possible, just that the vid is no good.
nicbordeaux 2 months ago
Sure, when I was a kid I had a little yellow track for matchbox cars and before the loop de loop there were two foam coated wheels power rortating, powered by battery. When the car entered between the wheels, it got ejected with enough velocity to make a complete tour of the circuit, then re-enter the accelerator wheels.
nicbordeaux 2 months ago
Since you like it in "Machbox Cars" ;) search for "High Road Low Road Race" video!
W32DEFENDER 2 months ago
Impressive with no load attached as per usual.
sparkybaz77 3 months ago
what you say on this ..... free energy or the physics "" Place the generator at 2Kw and try to run.....
zxinvest 4 months ago
Dear Zinvest, I saw your video and I have to say that it really shows your genius way of thinking!!!
W32DEFENDER 4 months ago in playlist Περισσότερα βίντεο από τον χρήστη CHALKALIS
Comment removed
zxinvest 4 months ago
Your calculations are not correct! Place the generator at 2kw and try to run your system. But you do not do and it shows that the system does not work.
zxinvest 4 months ago
@zxinvest you could easily find all Calculations made by Dr.Kanarev especially since you speak Russian ZXinvest...but i guess you didn't bother or simply that was not the point of your comments anyway. was it?
W32DEFENDER 4 months ago
you are right,theres no doubt that the feltenberger pendulum pump uses the same working priciple!
for me its the 110% proof of your system, no question!
neuberlintourist 4 months ago
Why no more vids
Jhfgsjdcd 4 months ago
Comment removed
MorskoyZmey 7 months ago
Doctor Kanarev does the mathematics on FM Chalkalis device...
CHILLOUT2HEAR 8 months ago
Νικος ... Συνεπως Οσο μεγαλυτερη ενεργεια ζηταμε απο το συστημα τοσο το συστημα θα επιβραδυνει , Τελικα θα βαζουμε μεγαλυτερη ενεργεια στα drive απο αυτην που περνουμε στον αξονα..
nikos0074a 11 months ago
Νικος.. Το προβλημα εδω ειναι οτι ενω οι υπολογισμοι για την κεντρομολο φαινονται σωστοι, εντουτοις ειναι για ενα συστημα χωρις φορτιο στο κεντρο του αξονα ..
Για να δουμε αν το συστημα παραγει κατι παραπανω θα πρεπει να βαλουμε ενα alternator πχ . 1 Χ 10 και φορτιο στο alternator πχ 500 - 1000 WATT . Η γνωμη μου ειναι οτι με το που ενωσουμε το φορτιο το συστημα θα αρχισει να επιβραδυνει.
αρα θα χρειαστουμε μεγαλυτερη ενεργεια στα drive για να συντηρησουμε τιις στροφες του συστηματος .
nikos0074a 11 months ago
This has been flagged as spam show
perplexfraction 1 year ago
please give a data for the energy input for the two driver motors on top in watts
neuberlintourist 1 year ago
the difference to a flying dutchman on a fun-fair, is that the driver wheels, which keep the system in motion are not on ground level but rather on top, little by side.
this makes it possible for the wheel+attached weights, with an inertial push, to turn a full rotation, back into the position of the driver wheels on top, which speeds it up again.
the point, where the driver wheels are fixed, their giving the most power to the system with the lowest energy need, because gravity is already acting
neuberlintourist 1 year ago
Congratulations for your success! this is legendary simple..
what you have constructed here, in my opinion.the difference is, that it makes full rotations(not only left and right), with the weights attached to it and the little help of the driver motors on the top.
this is exactly, what many people know from (county/state) fun-fair's.
i took often a ride witch such a thing, and it directly reminds me of this system, shown here in this video.
neuberlintourist 1 year ago
Mr Chalkalis, have you ever try to get power out of that wheel? For example, how about putting a generator on the same shaft and to see if the machine will power itself?
Yes, it's true that energy builds up when wheel is gets going by the power of centrifugal force, but "my question is" will it continue to go under same speed under load?
You need to test this.
mksboysal 1 year ago
Dear “fellow human” as Mr.Chalkalis have called you,
you can find all data and plans of the device on his Blog. Also you could google it and see how SERIOUS people are using the forums to discuss their opinions. I see you are Australian so I would suggest you to go at energeticforum(dot)com
It really makes me sad that people like you can judge without even bothering to look at the details. Unless of course you have some other objectives behind your comments.
LUPOHACK 1 year ago
LUPOHACK 1 year ago
uying99 3 weeks ago
Saw that vid, it proves nada. Simply because to be credible you need at least 4 runs, two same car on same track, two with switched over cars. Those things don't all perform alike. This doesn't mean I'm saying that the result isn't possible, just that the vid is no good.
nicbordeaux 2 months ago
Sure, when I was a kid I had a little yellow track for matchbox cars and before the loop de loop there were two foam coated wheels power rortating, powered by battery. When the car entered between the wheels, it got ejected with enough velocity to make a complete tour of the circuit, then re-enter the accelerator wheels.
nicbordeaux 2 months ago
Since you like it in "Machbox Cars" ;) search for "High Road Low Road Race" video!
W32DEFENDER 2 months ago
Impressive with no load attached as per usual.
sparkybaz77 3 months ago
what you say on this ..... free energy or the physics "" Place the generator at 2Kw and try to run.....
zxinvest 4 months ago
Dear Zinvest, I saw your video and I have to say that it really shows your genius way of thinking!!!
W32DEFENDER 4 months ago in playlist Περισσότερα βίντεο από τον χρήστη CHALKALIS
Comment removed
zxinvest 4 months ago
Your calculations are not correct! Place the generator at 2kw and try to run your system. But you do not do and it shows that the system does not work.
zxinvest 4 months ago
@zxinvest you could easily find all Calculations made by Dr.Kanarev especially since you speak Russian ZXinvest...but i guess you didn't bother or simply that was not the point of your comments anyway. was it?
W32DEFENDER 4 months ago
you are right,theres no doubt that the feltenberger pendulum pump uses the same working priciple!
for me its the 110% proof of your system, no question!
neuberlintourist 4 months ago
Why no more vids
Jhfgsjdcd 4 months ago
Comment removed
MorskoyZmey 7 months ago
Doctor Kanarev does the mathematics on FM Chalkalis device...
CHILLOUT2HEAR 8 months ago
Νικος ... Συνεπως Οσο μεγαλυτερη ενεργεια ζηταμε απο το συστημα τοσο το συστημα θα επιβραδυνει , Τελικα θα βαζουμε μεγαλυτερη ενεργεια στα drive απο αυτην που περνουμε στον αξονα..
nikos0074a 11 months ago
Νικος.. Το προβλημα εδω ειναι οτι ενω οι υπολογισμοι για την κεντρομολο φαινονται σωστοι, εντουτοις ειναι για ενα συστημα χωρις φορτιο στο κεντρο του αξονα ..
Για να δουμε αν το συστημα παραγει κατι παραπανω θα πρεπει να βαλουμε ενα alternator πχ . 1 Χ 10 και φορτιο στο alternator πχ 500 - 1000 WATT . Η γνωμη μου ειναι οτι με το που ενωσουμε το φορτιο το συστημα θα αρχισει να επιβραδυνει.
αρα θα χρειαστουμε μεγαλυτερη ενεργεια στα drive για να συντηρησουμε τιις στροφες του συστηματος .
nikos0074a 11 months ago
This has been flagged as spam show
perplexfraction 1 year ago
please give a data for the energy input for the two driver motors on top in watts
neuberlintourist 1 year ago
the difference to a flying dutchman on a fun-fair, is that the driver wheels, which keep the system in motion are not on ground level but rather on top, little by side.
this makes it possible for the wheel+attached weights, with an inertial push, to turn a full rotation, back into the position of the driver wheels on top, which speeds it up again.
the point, where the driver wheels are fixed, their giving the most power to the system with the lowest energy need, because gravity is already acting
neuberlintourist 1 year ago
Congratulations for your success! this is legendary simple..
what you have constructed here, in my opinion.the difference is, that it makes full rotations(not only left and right), with the weights attached to it and the little help of the driver motors on the top.
this is exactly, what many people know from (county/state) fun-fair's.
i took often a ride witch such a thing, and it directly reminds me of this system, shown here in this video.
neuberlintourist 1 year ago
Mr Chalkalis, have you ever try to get power out of that wheel? For example, how about putting a generator on the same shaft and to see if the machine will power itself?
Yes, it's true that energy builds up when wheel is gets going by the power of centrifugal force, but "my question is" will it continue to go under same speed under load?
You need to test this.
mksboysal 1 year ago
Dear “fellow human” as Mr.Chalkalis have called you,
you can find all data and plans of the device on his Blog. Also you could google it and see how SERIOUS people are using the forums to discuss their opinions. I see you are Australian so I would suggest you to go at energeticforum(dot)com
It really makes me sad that people like you can judge without even bothering to look at the details. Unless of course you have some other objectives behind your comments.
LUPOHACK 1 year ago
LUPOHACK 1 year ago
Great Job. I can understand your disappointment. Thanks for donating and sharing.
Sorry for my poor English.
depending on anybody? Why not setting up your own website, which is
cheap and easy, and uploading all the updates, documents and videos? I
like your work very much but it is very unwise depending on people you
don't know very well.
Thank you my friend, we will not stop till we get enough support and replications together, yours - Ash on behalf of Panacea - ashtweth
F.M.Chalkalis 2012 Update
ReplyDeletehow are you ? i hope you doing got.
Sorry my englisch but i cam from Tirol Austria
not Australia ok Tirol.
can you tell me how i can make this Multiplikator
for my home i neet for the cows and me 20 kw and my generator have 1500 rpm i hope you can help me.
Thank you God bless you
ReplyDeleteI am very impressed with your implementation.
Is there any reason for 60 Degrees gap between 2 arms.
ReplyDeleteHey Mr Chalkalis, I'm from Argentina, and even though we are a modern nation, many a man lives in poverty here. I have duely watched your video....... I think I understand why your system is working... It is going to cost me a US$ 1000 more or less but I think I'm going to replicate your machine.
It is going to take me a year and a half more or less (I've got to raise that money...) but I'll do it. Now would you be so kind as to mail me these plans of yours so I don't have to go through the same process as you did.... Something else I've read about other people inventing things alike (a serbian man with a pendulum machine...) but really they have nothing to do with your invention as the basis are completely different.... You came out with a wonderfull gravity engine nobody had ever imagined before! THANKS! If we do manage to make something out of it here, you'll hear of us, we shan't forget you, and as we go building your system we'll tell you about it!
Hallo sir . I want to ask whether there are people who imitate the work of the father , succeeded ?
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